Meet & Greet Airport Parking

from£73.00per week

Meet and Greet parking is a parking service that gets you from your car to the check-in desk in the quickest possible time. A drive-up and drop-off parking solution that offers the ultimate in convenience, Meet and Greet airport parking is a great option for those a little short of time, or travelling with bulky luggage or young children.

What is Meet and Greet Parking?

Quite simply, you drive directly to the airport terminal, where you will be met by a uniformed driver who will take your car to a secure parking compound for you, while you walk into the terminal to the check-in area. The meeting point can be either the terminal forecourt or a designated area nearby. Meet and Greet airport parking means you do not have to find a parking space or park any distance from the terminal.

When you return from your trip, you contact your Meet and Greet parking provider once you have collected your baggage, and your car will be waiting for you outside the terminal, ready for you to drive away.

Airport Meet & Greet explained

We recommend Meet and Greet airport parking to travellers:

·     short on time

·     with young children

.     carrying bulky or heavy luggage

·     requiring mobility assistance

·     looking for the most convenient parking solution

Meet & Greet Frequently Asked Questions:

1) How does meet & greet parking work?

Simply drive straight to the airport terminal, park in the designated meet & greet zone, where you will be met by a uniformed driver. The driver will take your car to the car park while you get your holiday underway. On return, your car will be waiting at the terminal for you to continue your journey home.

2) Is meet & greet parking safe?

All meet & greet services we sell are from official airport approved opperators, with fully insured drivers and CCTV at all car parks. Keep an eye out for the Park Mark Award, which is a police approved certification regarding a car park's security. 

Meet & Greet Parking Locations

Meet & Greet Parking Offers

Meet and greet parking is a convenient and cost-effective option for travelers who want to minimize the hassle and stress of airport parking. By taking advantage of available offers, you can potentially save money on this service while still enjoying the convenience and peace of mind it provides.

Here are the latest Meet and Greet airport parking offers.

I Love Meet & Greet Parking

Gatwick Airport

4.8 out of 5
From £20.25 per day
APH Meet & Greet Forecourt

Gatwick Airport

Drop-off and collection at the terminal forecourt

Suitable for travel from both terminals

4.8 out of 5
From £21.13 per day
Ace Meet & Greet

Gatwick Airport

Drop-off and collection at a dedicated drop off zone

4.6 out of 5
From £20.00 per day