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Travel greener with APH: help the World Land Trust save rainforests!

Rainforest protectors!

travel greener with APH

Stunning rainforests are worth saving!

 25 years ago the World Land Trust began working hard to conserve some of the most important and threatened habitats in the world; acre by acre. Through donations they help to buy stretches of rainforest in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico; preserving the teeming biodiversity in every inch of the land.

The World Land Trust doesn’t own the land; instead they assist partner organisations in the country to manage the land for conservation, ensuring that it is maintained by local people for the benefit of everyone, for ever.

Since 2005 APH have been proud to support the World Land Trust. Over the years we have contributed tens of thousands of pounds to the cause and raised enough to save over a thousand acres of rainforest from destruction.

In the first year alone we raised over £16,000; this was mostly raised through donations, as customers booked their airport hotel stays though us; but we also worked out the acreage of our car park and matched that to rainforest, donating the equivalent funds.

We are happy to be a carbon balanced company, and have been since 2005. Every year we have an audit to work out how much carbon we use, and this is offset by a donation to the World Land Trust.

25% to celebrate 25 years

travel greener with APH

Until the end of July, APH are giving 25% of the cost of your airport parking to the World Land Trust, if you book through the Bright Skies website; to celebrate 25 years of their hard work. Rainforests are vital to our planet; not only do they produce masses of oxygen, but millions of creatures, from tiny insects to giant jaguars’ call them home.

Help us to help the World Land Trust with this hugely important work; conserve the rainforest and offset some of your carbon footprint by booking with APH at Bright Skies.

We have also come up with 25 environmentally-friendly tips for travellers, to help you travel greener; some of these include:

  • Book a direct flight as cruising at high altitude uses less fuel than taking off and landing
  • Don’t take a taxi or get a friend to take you to the airport;  drive yourself and book airport parking to save on fuel
  • Pack light; pack clever as every extra kilogram of weight means more fuel burned

To check out the full list head to APH!

Give your garden

Help encourage little fellas like this thrive in your garden!

The World Land Trust have recently launched the fabulous Great Garden Give!

It’s a simple idea to inspire you to make a donation to the cause. Just measure or guess-timate the size of your garden and head to the World Land Trust where their handy calculator will work out the equivalent size in rainforest and suggest a donation! It won’t cost the earth either; with each square metre costing only 2.5p, we think it’s a great way to get involved and make a real difference.

They also have some great tips for creating a wildlife haven in your own back garden; so if you want to encourage nature to thrive out back, check out their top tips here.

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